Sengoku Dynasty Supporter Edition

Sengoku Dynasty Supporter Edition PC (STEAM) WW

PC Games

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$ 29,49

SENGOKU DYNASTY SUPPORTER EDITION for PC is a digital code with no expiry date. Once bought, this downloadable code will be delivered directly to your email address with no shipping cost.

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$ 29,49


Release Date: AUGUST 10, 2023


Platform: STEAM

Region: WW

This edition includes:

• Base game
• Original Soundtrack
• Scrolls of Sengoku Dynasty - Complete Scrolls Collection

Sengoku Dynasty: An Epic Fusion of Genres

Embark on a captivating journey with Sengoku Dynasty, a game that seamlessly blends open-world RPG, city building, life simulation, and survival elements into one riveting experience. Dive into the turbulent era of feudal Japan, where you'll craft your destiny as the leader of a flourishing Dynasty. Whether you prefer solo adventures or cooperative play, in either first or third person view, the choice is yours.

Forging a Legacy: Rebuilding Amidst Chaos

In a region scarred by famine and war, Sengoku Dynasty challenges you to build not just a life but an entire community. Forge your own Dynasty as you navigate the challenges of this open world. Gather resources, master the art of crafting, embark on hunts, construct vital structures, and cultivate the land to ensure your community's survival. Battle formidable adversaries, rise as a distinguished leader, and fiercely defend what you've painstakingly created.

An Immersive Glimpse of Ancient Japan:

Delve into the mesmerizing beauty of nature and partake in ancient rituals that unlock the mysteries of the divine. Sengoku Dynasty offers a window into medieval Japan, allowing you to select your path as a Leader, Craftsman, Warrior, or Monk and set forth on an epic odyssey.

Game Features:

Explore a Breathtaking World:

Roam through lush forests, towering mountains, enchanting cherry groves, and soothing hot springs. Uncover the wonders of a diverse and visually stunning realm.

Unmatched Realism:

Sengoku Dynasty pushes the boundaries of open-world realism, harnessing the graphical prowess of Unreal Engine to create an immersive gaming experience.

From Humble Beginnings to Thriving Communities:

Embark on your journey with a modest settlement and nurture it into a flourishing community nestled in the valley.

Crafting and Cultivating:

Harness your skills to craft essential tools, formidable weapons, nourishing meals, and life-saving medicine. Take up farming to provide for your village.

Master the Art of Defense:

Protect your village and loved ones by becoming proficient in weaponry. Craft iconic Japanese arms such as Yari (spears), Yumi (bows), and Katanas (swords), among others.

Generations of Prosperity:

Lay the foundation for a thriving Dynasty that will endure for generations. Oversee the expansion and development of your villages.

Cooperative Gameplay:

Forge your unique path or unite with friends to construct larger villages. Distribute responsibilities, pool resources, tackle quests, and progress together.

Perspective Matters:

Choose between the first and third person views to tailor the gaming experience to your preferences.

Sengoku Dynasty is your gateway to a world of adventure, strategy, and survival, where your choices shape not only your destiny but the legacy of an entire Dynasty.

System Requirements

Minimum SENGOKU DYNASTY SUPPORTER EDITION system requirements for PC

• OS: Windows 10 (x64)
• Processor: Intel Core i5-8400, AMD Ryzen 5 2600
• Memory: 16 GB RAM
• Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650, 4 GB or AMD Radeon RX 570, 4 GB or Intel Arc A750, 8 GB
• DirectX: Version 12
• Storage: 20 GB available space

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