PAYDAY 3 PC Silver Edition

PAYDAY 3 Silver Edition PC (STEAM) WW

PC Games

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$ 76,19

$ 22,95

PAYDAY 3 SILVER EDITION for PC is a digital code with no expiry date. Once bought, this downloadable code will be delivered directly to your email address with no shipping cost.

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$ 76,19

$ 22,95


Release Date: SEPTEMBER 21, 2023

Edition: SILVER


Platform: STEAM

Region: WW

This edition includes:

• The Base game - PayDay 3
• Dark Sterling Mask
• Season Pass (6 months):
• 2 heists
• Tailor packs
• Weapon packs

PAYDAY 3: Resuming the Life of Crime

PAYDAY 3, the highly anticipated sequel to one of the most beloved co-op shooters, is finally here. Ever since its initial release, PAYDAY players have reveled in the exhilaration of meticulously planned and flawlessly executed heists. This is what sets PAYDAY apart, offering a high-octane co-op FPS experience like no other.

A Return to Infamy:

Step out of retirement and back into a life of crime as a member of the infamous Payday Gang. The envy of their peers and the stuff of nightmares for law enforcement, the Payday Gang is summoned once more. Several years have passed since their reign of terror in Washington DC came to an end, but they reunite to confront a new threat that has roused them from their early retirement.

Game Features:

The Legendary Payday Crew:

The notorious Payday Crew, feared by both the law and the criminal underworld, is back. Torn from their peaceful retirement by a new menace born from the chaos they left behind, they are thrust back into the world of crime.

New York City Beckons:

Leaving their Washington DC roots behind, the Crew sets its sights on the bustling streets of New York City. A new location means fresh challenges and opportunities for cunning heisters with a plan.

Greed Unleashed:

In PAYDAY 3, satisfy your avarice as you accumulate not only gold, cash, jewelry, and other valuables but also a vast collection of weapons, cosmetics, and accolades.

Hard-Earned Loot:

Securing your spoils won't be a walk in the park. Success hinges on meticulous planning, hard work, and smart decision-making. Gain experience, unlock new skills, and master weapons to steadily enhance your capabilities for tackling tougher challenges.

Heist Your Way:

A true professional heister understands that successful heists require planning, effort, and a sprinkle of luck. PAYDAY 3 places the power of choice in your hands. Decide how to approach each heist, whether it's stealthy infiltration or all-out gunfights, whether you release hostages or use them as leverage, whether you go solo or bring along a crew of friends. The possibilities are endless, and your choices will significantly alter the course of the game.

Friends in Crime:

Not just anyone is worthy of standing by your side during a heist. PAYDAY 3 is best enjoyed with close friends you've known for years or those you meet along the way.

The PAYDAY series has always celebrated the bonds forged through adversity, and this spirit is reflected in the actions and camaraderie of our heisters within the game and in our thriving community outside of it. Get ready for an electrifying adventure as you dive back into the world of high-stakes heists in PAYDAY 3.

System Requirements

Minimum PAYDAY 3 SILVER EDITION system requirements for PC

• OS: Windows 10
• Processor: Intel Core i5-9400F
• Memory: 16 GB RAM
• Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1650 (4 GB)
• Network: Broadband Internet connection

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