Park Beyond PC
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Park Beyond PC (STEAM) WW

PC Games

169 Pārdots!

$ 54,42

$ 7,95

PARK BEYOND for PC is a digital code with no expiry date. Once bought, this downloadable code will be delivered directly to your email address with no shipping cost.

Kods(-i) tiek nekavējoties piegādāts pa e-pastu. Katram produktam varat saņemt vairāk nekā vienu kodu.
24/7 klientu atbalsts
Tūlītēja preču piegāde
100% produkta garantija
Nav slēptu izmaksu
1,5 miljoni apmierinātu klientu

$ 54,42

$ 7,95


Release Date: JUNE 16, 2023


Platform: STEAM

Region: WW

Park Beyond for Windows PC

Looking for a way to unleash your inner architect and let your imagination run wild? Park Beyond is the game for you! You get to design the amusement park of your wildest dreams, without worrying about the laws of physics.

Picture this: you're the new visionary architect at a struggling company, tasked with bringing new life to the business. With Park Beyond, you'll get to create the most jaw-dropping theme park ever, complete with rides that would be impossible in real life. And the best part? You won't have to do it alone. You'll work with a fun cast of characters like Phil, the park veteran, and Izzy, the friendly but stern executive, to create a thriving and profitable business.

Even if you're new to park management, you'll quickly get the hang of things thanks to the easy-to-use controls and engaging story-driven campaign mode. As you progress through the game, you'll get to build even crazier rides and modular coasters, limited only by your own imagination.

So, what are you waiting for? Let your creativity take over and start building the amusement park of your dreams today!

Park Beyond Characters

Giles Hemlock

Giles is a rich British tax exile who grew up privileged but sheltered. He heads the Hemlock Consortium and poses a threat to the player's plans because he lacks empathy and focuses solely on his business goals, similar to a shark.

Sofia Flores

Sofia, a young engineer who is paralyzed from the waist down, hasn't allowed her wheelchair to limit her. While she may not be creative in thinking up ride designs, she excels at turning designs given to her into a reality. She embodies the idea of overcoming personal limitations that seem impossible.

Alex Chen

Alex is the safety inspector and a minor villain/frenemy in the game. He was an only child to parents who moved a lot, making him crave stability. He excels at his job due to his desire for order, and represents the challenges that reality poses when trying to achieve the impossible.

Izzy Dillard

She's an African-American woman in her 50s who's had to fight hard against the establishment to get where she is. She's earned her success and won't let anyone ruin it for her. Although she may come across as a money-hungry villain at first, she actually has good intentions and has been protecting Phil Bailey from his reckless behavior. She embodies the idea that it's difficult to overcome the system.

Blaize Megatronic

Blaize is a self-proclaimed thrill-seeker who dabbles in every possible extreme sport and adrenaline-pumping activity, despite having little talent for any of them. Despite her lack of skill, she always manages to come out relatively unscathed, earning her the reputation of having nine lives like a cat. Blaize has an unbridled passion for excitement and fun, finding joy in almost everything, except sitting still for too long.

Phil Bailey

The aging mentor is a veteran showman who serves as the figurehead of his organization. Despite his position, he's always relied on the advice of those smarter than him to keep his sometimes unrealistic goals in check. However, he's now out of touch with the modern theme park industry, illustrating the difficulty of teaching an old dog new tricks.

Latest Releases!

Are there games that you didn't pre-order and now they're already been released? or you're looking for new and fresh games that are the talk of the gaming scene right now.

Well you are in the right place, because here at Livecards, we have a compilation of the games that have just been released. Remember, you don't need to spend a fortune just to enjoy video games, here at Livecards you can buy new games at a low price without breaking a hole in your pocket.

So what are you waiting for? just click this link and order now! Happy gaming!

System Requirements

Minimum PARK BEYOND system requirements for PC

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 10 64bit
Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-4790 / AMD Ryzen™ 5 1500X
Memory: 12 GB RAM
Graphics: 1080p/30fps: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 2GB / AMD HD 7850 2GB
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 30 GB available space
Additional Notes: Memory: 12 GB - 4K/30fps: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB / AMD R9 Fury 4GB

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