One Piece Odyssey Deluxe Edition PC

One Piece Odyssey Deluxe Edition PC (STEAM) WW

PC Games

1587 Pārdots!

$ 36,25

ONE PIECE ODYSSEY DELUXE EDITIONfor PC is a digital code with no expiry date. Once bought, this downloadable code will be delivered directly to your email address with no shipping cost.

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$ 36,25


Release Date: JANUARY 12, 2023


Platform: STEAM

Region: WW

One Piece: Odyssey Deluxe Edition Includes:
• Base game
• Adventure Expansion Pack
• Adventure Expansion Pack Bonus 100,000 Berries
• Deluxe Edition Bonus: Sniper King Outfit Set

One Piece Odyssey Deluxe Edition for Windows PC

This new RPG celebrates the 25th anniversary of the popular manga and anime series ONE PIECE!

Game Overview

Monkey.D.Luffy, better known as Straw Hat Luffy, and his Straw Hat Crew are sailing across the New World in search of the next island and the next adventure that awaits them. However, while on their way, they are caught up in a storm and shipwrecked on a lush tropical island surrounded by constantly raging storms...

Separated from his crew, Luffy sets off on a grand, new adventure to find his friends and escape the island! He faces dangerous new enemies, terrifying forces of nature, and so much more!

Get to know the Straw Hat Crew in this classic RPG set in the world of ONE PIECE!

Focal Points

• Gather your Straw Hat Crew to explore a mysterious island.

• With the Dramatic Scene system, you'll discover quests and dungeons with a genuine One Piece twist

• Meet the beloved characters from the manga series.

• One Piece is a perfect blend of traditional JRPG components with those specific to the iconic series

• For fans of this legendary manga, One Piece Odyssey is a must-play experience.

System Requirements

Minimum ONE PIECE ODYSSEY DELUXE EDITION system requirements for PC

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 10 64-bit
Processor: Intel Core i5-6600 or AMD Ryzen 5 2400G
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce GTX 780 or Radeon R9 290X
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 35 GB available space

Informācija un instrukcijas

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