Microsoft Office 365 Personal 12 months PC
Microsoft Office 365 Personal 12 months PC
Microsoft Office 365 Personal 12 months PC
Microsoft Office 365 Personal 12 months PC
Microsoft Office 365 Personal 12 months PC

Microsoft Office 365 Personal 12 months PC

Microsoft Office

588 Pārdots!

$ 43,89

MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 PERSONAL 12 MONTHS PC is a digital code with FREE Shipping and no expiry date. Once bought, we will email the product key, instructions & links for Instant Download! No time limit, no subscription, and 24/7 support with installation and activation.

Kods(-i) tiek nekavējoties piegādāts pa e-pastu. Katram produktam varat saņemt vairāk nekā vienu kodu.
24/7 klientu atbalsts
Tūlītēja preču piegāde
100% produkta garantija
Nav slēptu izmaksu
Vairāk nekā 1,5 miljoni apmierinātu klientu

$ 43,89



 Compatible with Windows 10 and Windows 8.1
 Multi Language
 Can activate worldwide
24/7 FREE support available during installation and activation

Looking to take your productivity to the next level? Microsoft Office 365 Personal is the ultimate suite of productivity tools, featuring a wide range of applications that will help you get more done in less time. With a subscription to Office 365 Personal, you'll get access to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and more for a full 12 months.

One of the standout features of Office 365 Personal is its cloud-based design, which allows you to access your documents and applications from anywhere, on any device. Whether you're at your desk, on the go, or working from home, you'll have everything you need to stay organized and productive.

In addition to its cloud-based design, Office 365 Personal also boasts a range of powerful productivity tools. Word is the go-to application for creating professional documents such as reports, resumes, and newsletters. Excel is a powerful spreadsheet application that allows you to create, edit, and analyze data. PowerPoint is a powerful presentation tool that helps you create professional-quality slideshows and presentations. And OneNote is a versatile note-taking application that helps you organize and manage your notes, ideas, and to-do lists in one convenient place.

Overall, Office 365 Personal is the perfect choice for anyone who needs a reliable and feature-rich suite of productivity tools. Whether you're a small business owner, a freelancer, or just someone who needs to get things done, this software has everything you need to stay organized and productive. So, if you want to improve your productivity and streamline your workflow, a subscription to Office 365 Personal is a smart investment.

System Requirements for Microsoft Office Personal 12 months PC

Processor: Windows: 1.6 gigahertz (GHz) or faster

Operating System: Windows 10, Windows 8.1

Memory: 4 GB RAM; 2 GB RAM (32-bit)

Hard Drive Space: 4.0 GB of available disk space

Display: 1280 x 768 screen resolution

Graphics: Graphics hardware acceleration requires DirectX 9 or later, with WDDM 2.0 or higher for Windows 10

.NET version: Some features may require .NET 3.5 or 4.6 and higher to also be installed

Browser: The current version of Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, or Firefox.

Informācija un instrukcijas

Kā iegādāties Microsoft Office 365 Personal 12 months PC?

Iegādāties Microsoft Office 365 Personal 12 months PC no ir tikpat vienkārša kā 1 2 3! Vienkārši ievadiet savu e-pasta adresi, izvēlieties maksājuma veidu un pabeidziet maksājumu!

Kāpēc pirkt no mums?

  • Mūsu digitālie kodi ir 100% likumīgi un tiek iegādāti no oficiālajiem piegādātājiem.
  • Mums ir daži no lētākajiem Microsoft Office 365 Personal 12 months PC tirgū.
  • Vairākas maksājumu metodes
  • Mēs nosūtām jums digitālos kodus uzreiz un tieši uz jūsu e-pasta adresi pēc pirkuma.
  • Efektīvs un iedarbīgs klientu atbalsts gadījumā, ja jums rodas problēmas vai jautājumi par mūsu programmatūru.
  • Atruna
    Priekšpasūtīšanas produkti tiks piegādāti pirms norādītā izlaišanas datuma vai tajā, savukārt noliktavā esošās preces tiks piegādātas uzreiz, gaidot drošības pārbaudes.
    • Pirkumi, kas tiek uzskatīti par komerciāliem nolūkiem, netiks pieņemti.
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    • Ja rodas problēmas ar pirkumu, lūdzu, informējiet mūs, izmantojot mūsu Sazinieties ar mums veidlapu.
    • Šos lejupielādējamos kodus ir izstrādājis spēles izstrādātājs, un tāpēc tie ir oriģināli.
    • Šiem kodiem nav derīguma termiņa.
    • Lejupielādējams saturs vai DLC produkti — lai spēlētu šo paplašinājumu, jums ir jābūt oriģinālajai spēlei.
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