Dust Fleet PC

Dust Fleet PC (STEAM) WW

PC Games

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$ 2,95

DUST FLEET for PC is a digital code with no expiry date. Once bought, this downloadable code will be delivered directly to your email address with no shipping cost.

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$ 2,95


Release Date: AUGUST 23, 2023


Platform: STEAM

Region: WW

A Glimpse into the 24th Century: Space Colonization and Crisis Management

In the 24th century, space colonization is facing numerous challenges. While hyperspace opened up the stars to humanity, habitable worlds are scarce, overpopulation persists, and the hunger for resources continues to grow. For over a century, the Dust Zone provided a solution to this resource crisis. Controlled jointly by the United Earth Nations and the Zone Mining Cooperative, it sustained humanity for a hundred years. But now, the Dust Zone has fallen silent. Supply shipments have stopped, and humanity is on the brink of an unprecedented crisis.

As the commander of the United Earth Nations' elite fleet, your mission is to venture into the Dust Zone, investigate the supply chain disruption, and prevent it from spiraling out of control. This task requires strategic acumen, both in a turn-based management mode and on the front lines in intense, real-time space battles.

Key Features:

1. Command and Survive: Take charge of an entire space fleet in the hostile Dust Zone. Secure strategic nodes, extract resources, and expand your fleet to confront the imminent threat to humanity's existence.

2. Ship Customization: Tailor each ship to your specifications using a detailed designer. Upgrade your vessels with newly researched hulls, modules, and weaponry. Every enhancement matters, influencing the outcome of battles.

3. Side Missions: Complete side missions to unlock additional fleet stations and strategic options. These missions offer unique bonuses in battles, from extra build queues to support powers that can turn the tide of a battle or even the entire war.

4. Real-Time Tactical Battles: Assume command of a custom fleet in intense 4x real-time tactical battles, navigating within a fully 3D combat space. Utilize complex tactical maneuvers to outsmart superior adversaries through cunning and strategy.

5. Reinforcements and Support Powers: Call in reinforcements and support powers from adjacent sectors to shape the course of battle.

6. Sector Assault Mode: Don't back down! Engage in Sector Assault mode to generate a fully randomized starmap, side missions, and enemies, offering fresh challenges with each playthrough.

7. Campaign Editor and Mod Support: Utilize the campaign editor and mod.io integration to craft and share new campaigns with fellow players, allowing you to create personalized challenges and expand the game's universe.

Humanity's survival hangs in the balance, and it's your strategic prowess and leadership that will determine the fate of the United Earth Nations and the future of space colonization in this gripping 24th-century saga.

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So what are you waiting for? just click this link and order now! Happy gaming!

System Requirements

Minimum DUST FLEET system requirements for PC

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows XP SP2+
Processor: Intel i5
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: 512MB, DirectX9
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 4 GB available space

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