Dead Space Remake Windows PC

Dead Space Remake PC (ORIGIN) WW

PC Games

86 Pārdots!

$ 23,95

DEAD SPACE REMAKE for PC is a digital code with no expiry date. Once bought, this downloadable code will be delivered directly to your email address with no shipping cost.

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$ 23,95


*Pre-bonuses might not be included

Release Date: JANUARY 27, 2023


Platform: ORIGIN

Region: WW

Dead Space Remake for Windows PC

The long-awaited remake of the classic horror game Dead Space is finally here for Windows PC. For fans of the original game, this remake is a must-play. And for those who have never played Dead Space before, this is a great opportunity to jump in and experience one of the most atmospheric and suspenseful games ever made.

The sci-fi survival-horror classic has been completely rebuilt to offer an even more immersive experience, including visual, audio, and gameplay improvements. It's faithful to the original game's thrilling vision. So whether you’re a diehard fan or a newcomer to the series, be sure to check out Dead Space:Remake for Windows PC.

Dead Space Remake | Release Date!

In 2008, Dead Space was released for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The game was a critical and commercial success, selling over 2 million copies worldwide. In 2009, a port of the game was released for the Windows PC.

Electronic Arts originally planned on releasing the game by the end of 2022. However, the release date has been delayed. The Dead Space remake finally came out on January 27, 2023, so you can buy it on PC and next-gen consoles. Here at Livecards you can find a Windows Digital Download of Dead Space.

Dead Space Remake | What's New?

The original Dead Space was released in 2008 and was well-received by both fans and critics. However, the game is now over ten years old and its graphics are starting to show its age. That's why developer Visceral Games is working on a remake of the game for Windows PC.

The remake will feature updated graphics that will take advantage of modern hardware. In addition, the game will feature new content that was not in the original release. This includes new levels, enemies, and bosses. The developers are also adding a co-operative multiplayer mode to the game.

While the majority of the game will be updated, some elements will remain the same. This includes the story, which follows engineer Isaac Clarke as he investigates a mining ship that has been overrun by deadly aliens known as Necromorphs.

Dead Space Remake | Key Features

The Dead Space Remake is a complete reimagining of the original game, built from the ground up for modern PCs. Featuring updated graphics, new features, and all-new content, this is the definitive way to experience Dead Space.

Here are just some of the key features:


Experience Dead Space like never before with updated graphics that take advantage of today’s technology.


The Remake includes all-new content not found in the original game, including new weapons, enemies, and areas to explore.


Smooth out the rough edges of the original game with refinements to the gameplay that make it even more enjoyable to play.

If you’re a fan of Dead Space or simply looking for a great horror game to play on your PC, be sure to check out the Dead Space Remake. It’s sure to provide you with hours of terror and fun.

So what are you waiting for? pre-order Dead Space Remake for Windows PC now!

Coming Soon!

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So what are you waiting for? check out our pre-order categories and place your pre-orders now!

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System Requirements

Minimum DEAD SPACE REMAKE system requirements for PC

• Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
• OS: Window 10 64-bit +
• Processor: Ryzen 5 2600x, Core i5 8600
• Memory: 16 GB RAM
• Graphics: AMD RX 5700, GTX 1070
• DirectX: Version 12
• Network: Broadband Internet connection
• Storage: 50 GB available space

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