Clash - Artifacts of Chaos - Lone Fighter Pack DLC PC

Clash: Artifacts of Chaos - Lone Fighter Pack DLC PC (STEAM) WW


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$ 2,95

CLASH: ARTIFACTS OF CHAOS - LONE FIGHTER PACK DLC for PC is a digital code with no expiry date. Once bought, this downloadable code will be delivered directly to your email address with no shipping cost.

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$ 2,95



Release Date: MARCH 09, 2023


Platform: STEAM

Region: WW

The Lone Fighter Pack add-on includes:

Unleash awe-inspiring intimidation upon your adversaries with the inclusion of two exclusive body paints, available only in this pack!

Game Overview

Discover the captivating world of Zenozoik as you embark on a thrilling adventure in Clash: Artifacts of Chaos. Step into the shoes of Pseudo, a martial arts master who leads a solitary life in this peculiar land. Brace yourself as you cross paths with the Boy, a small enigmatic creature whose extraordinary powers have drawn the attention of Gemini, the Mistress of the Artifacts. Little do you know that greater forces are at play, and it's up to you to protect the Boy and navigate the impending chaos.

Embark on an Enigmatic Journey

Prepare to immerse yourself in Zenozoik, a realm pulsating with surreal and punk fantasy influences. Explore its vast expanse, encountering captivating characters, fantastical creatures, and awe-inspiring landscapes. Wander through this mysterious land and uncover its hidden pathways, peculiar inhabitants, and ancient secrets.

Unleash Your Fists and Fury

In the face of danger, your fists and agility become your most formidable weapons. Engage in dynamic combat, utilizing a range of techniques to outsmart your opponents. Strike, evade, stun, block, counter, or parry to unleash devastating special attacks. For a fresh perspective, switch to a first-person view and execute unique maneuvers. The choice is yours—seize the opportunity for victory or risk fatal missteps.

Craft Your Personal Combat Style

As you embark on your journey, master various martial arts disciplines and seamlessly switch between them based on the situation, enemy types, and your personal preference. Triumph over adversaries to enhance your abilities and upgrade your attacks, forging a combat style that is uniquely your own.

Face the Ritual Challenge

Before engaging in combat, a thrilling twist awaits. Challenge your opponents to a high-stakes game of dice, with the victor defining the rules of engagement—often to their advantage. Summon mighty allies, shroud the battlefield in mystic fog, or impose shackles to restrict movement. The Ritual holds the potential to turn the tide of battle, rewarding strategic triumphs or presenting clever obstacles to overcome in the face of defeat.

Immerse Yourself in a Captivating Narrative

Beyond the pursuit of the Great Artifacts that hold the key to defeating Gemini, your journey will unveil surprises that surpass your wildest expectations. As you confront relentless mercenaries and develop a profound bond with the Boy, you will be compelled to confront your own past and delve into the origins of Zenozoik's chaotic society. Prepare for a rich and enthralling storyline that will keep you enthralled from start to finish.

An Independent Adventure

While Clash: Artifacts of Chaos resides in the same universe as its predecessors, Zeno Clash and Zeno Clash II, it stands as a standalone game. Immerse yourself in this new chapter and prepare to witness a fresh and exhilarating experience, brimming with unique characters, breathtaking landscapes, and heart-pounding action.

So, are you ready to embrace the chaos and embark on this unforgettable journey in Clash: Artifacts of Chaos? Get ready to unleash your fury and leave your mark on Zenozoik!

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System Requirements

Minimum CLASH: ARTIFACTS OF CHAOS - LONE FIGHTER PACK system requirements DLC for PC

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system

• OS: Windows 10

• Processor: Intel i3 4130 (2.9 GHz) / AMD FX 8120 (3.1 GHz)

• Memory: 8 GB RAM

• Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 (3 GB) / AMD Radeon R7 260X (2 GB)

• DirectX: Version 12

• Storage: 12 GB available space

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