Installing eSIM(s) On An Apple iOS 17 Device Using A Photo From Your Gallery

With iOS 17 and above, you can now install an eSIM using a QR code saved in your photos, eliminating the need for a second device to display the QR code.

To install your eSIM using a saved QR code, follow these steps:

1. Make sure the QR code is saved to your photos.
2. Open Settings on your device.
3. Navigate to Mobile Service or Cellular Service


4. Tap Add eSIM.

5. Tap Use QR Code.

6. Tap Open Photos.

7. Select the QR code that you saved previously.

8. Tap Continue.

Note: Do NOT close this window else the installation may fail.

9. Please allow up to 10 minutes for the eSIM to activate.

10. Tap Done to complete the installation.

11. Configure the following settings suggested below. Set Default Line to Primary > Tap Continue.

12. Set Mobile Data to your chosen eSIM. As in the example below Business.

13. Go back into Settings > Tap Mobile Service or Cellular Service. Tap on the eSIM you want to check Data Roaming.

14. Toggle the switch to On.

15. The Data Roaming toggle should appear as below on the installed eSIM.

16. The eSIM is now installed and set up.