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And we’ve got it all for you!
Life Simulation Games!
Let your creativity run wild and build a completely own Sims universe. Discover and alter every aspect, including homes, Sims, and much more. Pick the Sims' appearance, behavior, and attire. Determine the course of their daily lives.
Livecards has a collection of Sims games from base to downloadable contents. You can avail The Sims at a very discounted price. With our special offer category we were able to compile the beast deals and discount you can have only here at Livecards.
So make sure to check our vast collection of Simulations games!!
Built for those who seek war and emerge victoriously. Whether it be single-player games or multiplayer, these games will surely pack a bloody punch. Bombs, Bullets, and Bazookas, who could ask for more? Check out these awesome games:
The Call of Duty series is globally known as the epitome of a first-person shooter. Spanning across multiple titles, Call of Duty revolutionized the FPS genre we know and love today. From classic deathmatches to battle royales and even the fan-favorite zombie mode, this is one game you would want to have in your collection.
Battlefield is a great example of how video games based on actual war should look like. The game also amassed multiple sequels and spin-offs due to popular demand and it seems the games are only getting better as time goes on. With such modern classics as Battlefield 1 and Battlefield V, the war shall truly live on.
Halo was the definitive game for the Xbox. You couldn’t really call yourself a gamer unless you played any Halo games. The multiplayer fun, the great physics, and the devastating weapons in your arsenal were just some of the reasons gamers couldn’t drop their controllers. Did we also mention that it has one of the best original stories in video game history?
Also included in the WARZONE category are such classics as Wolfenstein, Gears of War, Age of Empires and Arma. Games that took over the world with their original stories and gameplay. Games that are simply timeless classics.
So make sure to check out our Best deals and discounts throughout this category!!
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