Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Expansion Pass Nintendo Switch EU

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Expansion Pass Nintendo Switch EU

Nintendo Switch

1653 prodano!

$ 27,95

XENOBLADE CHRONICLES 3 - EXPANSION PASS for Nintendo Switch is a digital code with no expiry date. Once bought, this downloadable code will be delivered directly to your email address with no shipping cost.

Kod(ovi) se trenutno isporučuju e-poštom. Možete primiti više od jednog koda po proizvodu.
Korisnička podrška 24/7
Trenutna dostava proizvoda
100% jamstvo proizvoda
Bez skrivenih troškova
Preko 1,5 milijuna zadovoljnih kupaca
Odredbe i uvjeti

$ 27,95


Release Date: JULY 29, 2022



Region: EU

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Expansion Pass for Nintendo Switch

The next chapter in the Xenoblade Chronicles game series offers a brand-new adventure. Live to fight and fight to stay alive!

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Expansion Pass | Includes:

The Xenoblade Chronicles™ 3 Expansion Pass grants you access to various pieces of downloadable content as they become available.

DLC Wave 1 (Release date: 7/29/2022O)

• A collection of helpful items
• Color variations for existing outfits

DLC Wave 2 (Release date: 12/31/2022)

• Challenge Battle mode against difficult enemies
• A new hero character and accompanying quests
• New character outfits

DLC Wave 3 (Release date: 4/30/2023)

• Challenge Battle mode against difficult enemies
• A new hero character and accompanying quests
• New character outfits

DLC Wave 4 (Release date: 12/31/2023)

• New original story scenario

About The Base Game | Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Join 2 rival nations on an adventure through beautiful landscapes to stop the cycle of violence. 6 characters from both nations must join forces to awaken the Aionios Colony, and uncover the true threat that is threatening their lives. Travel through remarkable, vast landscapes and find out how this game connects to the epic story in Xenoblade Chronicles.

You can command six characters and immerse yourself in fluid, real-time role-playing battles.

Six members of the main party will attack the enemy automatically. Use teamwork with different abilities and weapons to take advantage of Arts and deal as much damage as possible while reducing enemy stats. Duo characters can use the Interlink system to combine into a powerful Ouroboros that can take down even the most dangerous foes using powerful Arts.

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Informacije i upute

Kako kupiti Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Expansion Pass Nintendo Switch EU?

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