World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Heroic Edition DLC PC ( EU
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183248 183248 183248 Blizzard Entertainment WORLD OF WARCRAFT: DRAGONFLIGHT HEROIC EDITION DLC for PC is a digital code with no expiry date. Once bought, this downloadable code will be delivered directly to your email address with no shipping cost.$ 27,04
WORLD OF WARCRAFT: DRAGONFLIGHT HEROIC EDITION DLC for PC is a digital code with no expiry date. Once bought, this downloadable code will be delivered directly to your email address with no shipping cost.

$ 27,04

Release Date: NOVEMBER 28, 2022
Platform: BATTLE.NET
Region: EU
World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Heroic Edition DLC for Windows PC
Get ready for the most epic experience of your life! In World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, you'll explore the legendary Dragon Isles that were once home to the mighty Dragons. As these creatures come back, you'll have the opportunity to explore all the vast lands and uncover all their mysteries. You'll meet legendary characters such as Alexstrasza, Kalecgos, or Wrathion, learn more about how Dragonflights work, and even reach new level caps!
World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Heroic Edition: Includes
The World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Heroic Edition includes the base game, as well as the following DLC packs:
• All new race & class, the Dracthyr Evoker
• Dragonflight-Level Character Boost (Level 60)
• Tangled Dreamweaver Flying Mount
• Murkastrasza Pet
World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Heroic Edition | Features
Explore new uncharted territories with each step taken on the Dragon Isles, earning powerful new talents to level up to 70.
Embark on a journey to investigate the imprisoned Primal Incarnates and stop them before their power can be unleashed against the Dragon Aspects.
Join the fight to reclaim Neltharus, stronghold of the black dragonflight, explore previously unknown chambers of Uldaman, defend the Life Pools in the red dragonflight, and more!
When you level up, you'll unlock new opportunities to grow and improve. There are two talent trees: Class talents will boost your skills to keep you competitive, while Specialization Tree bonuses will enhance offensive or healing skills.
Live life as a Dragon Isles artisan! Take on crafting orders for your realm, hunt down rare ingredients, and craft ever more wondrous items. As you unlock new specializations for your profession, the materials and recipes required to create more powerful items will become available.
Revamping WoW’s HUD and UI to a whole new level. In the new edit mode, players will be able to move things around and customize UI elements like never before, while still keeping it familiar looking and feeling.
World of Warcraft: Dragonflight | Overview
The ancestral home of the dragonflights and their dragons is a wondrous land filled with captivating views. Discover this fantastic realm and become a part of these fascinating stories in brand new zones:
• The Waking Shores,
• Ohn-ahran Plains,
• The Azure Span,
• Thaldraszus,
• Forbidden Reach.
Are you ready to try something new? Dungeon World's first-ever playable race and class combo, the Dracthyr Evoker, is at your fingertips.
Master aerial movement with Dragon Riding and explore new lands, while obtaining four new dragon mounts. With millions of combinations, every Drake is one of a kind.
Jump from the cauldron and into the unknown! And, if you're feeling courageous, dive down rapidly to gain momentum before unfurling your wings. You'll need dragon-riding skills to stay afloat and take in all of your surroundings.
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