The Sims 4 Laundry Day Stuff DLC Xbox One

The Sims 4: Laundry Day Stuff DLC Xbox One EU

Xbox One

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$ 9,95

THE SIMS 4: LAUNDRY DAY STUFF for DLC Xbox One is a digital code with no expiry date. Once bought, this downloadable code will be delivered directly to your email address with no shipping cost.

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$ 9,95



Release Date: AUGUST 14, 2018


Platform: XBOX LIVE

Region: EU

The Sims 4: Laundry Day Stuff DLC for Xbox One

Are you a fan of The Sims 4? Have you ever wanted to make your Sims’ lives just a little bit more realistic with the addition of some mundane tasks? Well, thanks to the new Laundry Day Stuff DLC for Xbox One, you can do just that! This latest expansion pack lets you customize your Sim's home with a range of laundry-related items, from washing machines and dryers to clotheslines and laundry baskets. There are also a bunch of new clothing options for your Sims to wear, including aprons and overalls. Plus, the addition of mud pie crafting lets your Sim create masterworks out of mud!

What's New?

Laundry day is now a little more fun in The Sims with the release of the Laundry Day Stuff DLC for Xbox One! 

New Clothing

New clothing options in Laundry Day Stuff are one of the most exciting additions. As well as new hairstyles and accessories, your Sims can wear a variety of new casual and formal outfits. Your Sims can express their unique style and personality in even more ways.

Laundry Stuff

Your Sims can keep their clothes clean and tidy with new laundry appliances introduced in the Laundry Day Stuff DLC. Your Sims can easily take care of their laundry needs with a washing machine, drying rack, and ironing board at their disposal.

Country Inspired Decor

With Laundry Day Stuff DLC, you can give your Sims' homes a rustic, country-inspired look. You can use the expansion pack to create a warm and cozy atmosphere in your Sims' homes by adding new furniture and decorations, like hanging drying racks, farmhouse sinks, and wood-burning stoves.

Outdoor activities

The Laundry Day Stuff DLC also adds new outdoor activities for your Sims. They can now tend to a garden or take a leisurely swim in a new pool. These activities are a great way to relax and enjoy nature.


The Sims 4: Laundry Day Stuff DLC for Xbox One is a great addition to the Sims universe. It brings with it new features and objects that add an extra layer of realism and fun to the game. With more than 50 laundry-related items, including washers and dryers, you can give your Sim's house that homey feel while also giving them plenty of ways to express their unique style. So whether you're looking for an excuse to take a break from building or adding some nice touches to your virtual household, The Sims 4: Laundry Day Stuff DLC has something for everyone!

Xbox Live Gold

Buy an Xbox Live Gold Membership from us and play THE SIMS 4: LAUNDRY DAY STUFF online with friends and fellow THE SIMS 4: LAUNDRY DAY STUFF gamers all around the world, enter competitions, make new friends, avail of special Xbox Live Gold Members only offers and much, much more!

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