Oddballers Nintendo Switch

Oddballers Nintendo Switch EU

Nintendo Switch

462 prodano!

$ 9,49

ODDBALLERS for Nintendo Switch is a digital code with no expiry date. Once bought, this downloadable code will be delivered directly to your email address with no shipping cost.

Kod(ovi) se trenutno isporučuju e-poštom. Možete primiti više od jednog koda po proizvodu.
Korisnička podrška 24/7
Trenutna dostava proizvoda
100% jamstvo proizvoda
Bez skrivenih troškova
1,5 milijuna zadovoljnih kupaca

$ 9,49


Release Date: JANUARY 26, 2023



Region: EU

Oddballers for Nintendo Switch

It's time to get ready for a wacky, action-packed experience with OddBallers! This hilariously fun multiplayer party game challenges you and your competition to a dizzying selection of dodgeball variants. Go ahead - shear some sheep with lawnmowers, grapple with tractors, hurl stinky toilets - and don't forget the actual dodgeballs! Nothing but the most skilled player will come out as champion.

OddBallers is an innovative dodgeball party game that encourages players to use anything they can find to hit their opponents. Employ devious strategies and outfox your adversaries in this outrageous, multiplayer party game!

Game Features!

Hard-Hitting Dodgeball

Test yourself in an exciting new type of dodgeball game! Battle your opponents using quick reflexes and clever strategies. Dodge, block, and snatch whatever you can to throw back at them. Utilize the surroundings to gain an upper-hand over your foes with electric fences, hazardous gas tanks, or tennis ball launchers.

Various Fantastic mini-games

Every field has its own regulations and various booming mini-games where anything is possible! Engage in one-on-one duels, team conflicts, or flee with a chicken costume, or even floor opponents with raw fish!

Fun play with Friends

Challenge your skills and your friends online or in person! Join up to four players in the comfort of your own home, or take your gaming experience online to compete with five other players.

Several Different Arenas

From rustic farms to waterfront towns and paradise islands, there is no shortage of exciting environments with more than 20 different arenas to explore. Make sure to check out the special mini-games for even more fun!

Customize your character

Your character can stand out from the crowd with a huge selection of hilarious attire, haircuts and accessories. You're also able to choose your own dance moves to show off your success over opponents. Plus, you can personalize each mini-game however you wish!

Nintendo eShop Gift Cards

Nintendo eShop Cards or Nintendo eShop Gift Cards are the perfect gift for anyone who loves to play Nintendo games, including yourself! Our collection of cheap Nintendo eshop gift cards allow you to purchase Nintendo Switch games from the Nintendo eshop at discounted prices.

Informacije i upute

Kako kupiti Oddballers Nintendo Switch EU?

Kupnja Oddballers Nintendo Switch EU s Livecards.net laka je kao 1 2 3! Jednostavno unesite svoju e-mail adresu, odaberite način plaćanja i izvršite plaćanje!

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