Gears 5 Xbox One

Gears 5 Xbox One/PC US

Xbox One

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$ 11,89

GEARS 5 for Xbox One is a digital code with no expiry date. Once bought, this downloadable code will be delivered directly to your email address with no shipping cost.

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$ 11,89


Release Date: SEPTEMBER 6, 2019

Language: ENGLISH

Platform: XBOX LIVE

Region: US

Gears 5 for Xbox One/PC

It's the conclusion to one of gaming's most acclaimed series. With all-out war descending, Kait Diaz breaks free to uncover her connection to the enemy, and discovers the true danger to Sera - herself.

Gears 5 relaunches with brand new features.

Campaign - This campaign lets you play your character and weapons in new playthroughs and enjoy bonus difficulties and modifiers as all-out war descends on Sera.

PvP - Versus rewards every competitive style, from casual to professional, with new modes and content.

PvE - Choose your character, pick your class, and hunker down in Horde or push forward in Escape.

Three-player Campaign Co-op - You can play three-player online or split-screen co-op with your friends.

Accessibility - Improve your gaming experience with updated accessibility features, including full controller remapping, single stick movement, Adaptive Controller support, narrated UI and menus, and improved subtitles.


Kait Diaz - The mother of Kait, Reyna, was the leader of her isolated Outsider village, far from the COG's formal jurisdiction. In addition, Kait has strong family ties to the COG: her late father served as a widely admired lieutenant colonel during the Pendulum Wars, and her uncle, Oscar, served as a highly decorated frontline Gear. She is still unsure of her true loyalties even after being inducted into the COG.

JD Fenix - As the son of Marcus Fenix and Anya Stroud, JD was surrounded by stories about his war heroes. His best friend, Del, and JD left Settlement 2 after an incident, which left them disillusioned with the COG. In spite of his father's and friends' dismay, JD has once again attracted the interest of First Minister Jinn after helping to ward off the Swarm's initial push.

Del Walker - Del lost his parents in the aftermath of the Locust War and was sent to a boarding school, where he met JD Fenix. He became an officer and took part in a mission that failed miserably at the COG’s Settlement 2, this devastating event caused him to lose faith in First Minister Jinn’s government. He may not be happy about it, but Del understands the need to fight with the COG after the Swarm emerged. What Del wasn't expecting was that there were elements of Settlement 2 JD had kept from him.

Marcus Fenix - Although Marcus' wife, Anya, led the COG after the Locust War, he played a limited role. After Anya's death, it became clear that the COG would favor authoritarian control rather than civic rebuilding. Having reunited with JD, Marcus finds himself once again fighting for the COG, although he continues to feel frustrated with authority and conflicts with his son.

Xbox Live Gold

Buy an Xbox Live Gold Membership from us and play GEARS 5 online with friends and fellow GEARS 5 gamers all around the world, enter competitions, make new friends, avail of special Xbox Live Gold Members only offers and much, much more!

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