Forza Motorsport Xbox Series XS - PC
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Forza Motorsport 8 Xbox Series X|S/PC WW

Xbox Series

1042 prodano!

$ 47,95

FORZA MOTORSPORT 8 for Xbox Series X|S / PC is a digital code with no expiry date. Once bought, this downloadable code will be delivered directly to your email address with no shipping cost.

Kod(ovi) se trenutno isporučuju e-poštom. Možete primiti više od jednog koda po proizvodu.
Korisnička podrška 24/7
Trenutna dostava proizvoda
100% jamstvo proizvoda
Bez skrivenih troškova
1,5 milijuna zadovoljnih kupaca

$ 47,95


Release Date: OCTOBER 10, 2023


Platform: XBOX LIVE

Region: WW

Revolutionize Your Racing Experience with Builders Cup Career Mode

Discover the ultimate racing adventure in the all-new Builders Cup Career Mode. Elevate your gameplay by unlocking over 800 performance upgrades, propelling you ahead of the competition. Immerse yourself in a highly rewarding single-player experience that guarantees not only fun but also a sense of accomplishment.

Adjudicated Multiplayer Events: Thrilling Races with Friends

Engage in multiplayer events that take racing to a whole new level. Join your friends in adjudicated races, where strategic tire and fuel considerations add an extra layer of excitement. Immerse yourself in a race weekend-inspired structure and embrace new driver and safety ratings.

Cutting-Edge Competition: Mastering Races Against Advanced AI Opponents

Challenge yourself against cutting-edge AI opponents armed with advanced physics and powerful assists. Navigate through the intricacies of new damage and dirt systems while enjoying photorealistic visuals enhanced by real-time ray tracing on the track.

Expansive Car Collection: 500+ Real Cars Across 20 Environments

Dive into a collection of over 500 real cars set in 20 world-famous environments. Explore multiple track layouts in fan-favorite locations, each featuring dynamic time-of-day changes, weather variations, and unique driving conditions.

Experience the thrill of driving over 500 real-world cars, including modern race cars and 100+ new additions to Forza Motorsport. Conquer 20 living environments with fan-favorite locations, multiple track layouts, and dynamic time-of-day changes with varying weather conditions.

Cutting-Edge Simulation: Photorealistic Visuals and Enhanced Physics

Immerse yourself in a cutting-edge simulation with photorealistic visuals and real-time ray tracing on-track. Encounter new damage and dirt accumulation systems, along with a 48x improvement in tire fidelity. Prepare to experience the most realistic and visually stunning racing simulation yet.

Xbox Live Gold

Buy an Xbox Live Gold Membership from us and play FORZA MOTORSPORT 8 online with friends and fellow FORZA MOTORSPORT 8 gamers all around the world, enter competitions, make new friends, avail of special Xbox Live Gold Members only offers and much, much more!

Informacije i upute

Kako kupiti Forza Motorsport 8 Xbox Series X|S/PC WW?

Kupnja Forza Motorsport 8 Xbox Series X|S/PC WW s laka je kao 1 2 3! Jednostavno unesite svoju e-mail adresu, odaberite način plaćanja i izvršite plaćanje!

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  • Za neke proizvode možete primiti više od jednog koda.
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