The Sims 4 PC

The Sims 4 PC (ORIGIN) WW

PC Games

380 Eladott!

$ 2,72

The Sims 4 PC (ORIGIN) WW is a digital code with no expiry date. Once bought, this downloadable code will be delivered directly to your email address with no shipping cost.

A kód(oka)t azonnal kézbesítjük e-mailben. Termékenként több kódot is kaphat.
24 órás ügyfélszolgálat
Azonnali termékszállítás
100% termékgarancia
Nincsenek rejtett költségek
1,5 millió elégedett ügyfél

$ 2,72


Platform: Origins

Region: Worldwide

Language: Multilanguage

The acclaimed daily life simulator is back with its 4th instalment - The Sims 4! Full of new features and improvements to make your Sims characters and environments even more unique, relatable, and appealing than before. The Sims 4 allows you to interact with your customized world like you always did – like a generous and loving all-powerful being (with a God-like status) who isn’t shy of carrying out potentially lethal actions in order to keep their world intact!

Enjoy the power to control and create people in a virtual world with no rules. Express your creativity with customized Sims having unique personalities and distinct appearances. Select their hairstyles, choose their fashions, and give them hopes and dreams they can aspire to.

Effortlessly construct perfect homes for your Sims with the brand new room based Build Mode by selecting your favorite decor and designs. Help your Sims’ pursue new careers, develop relationships, and shape the entertaining and rich moments of their lives. Discover beautiful worlds with different environments and journey through neighborhoods to meet other interesting Sims and see new venues. Be free and powerful while you play with life but most of all have fun!

Create-a-Sim Tool

Create a wide range of unique Sims each having all-new emotions, big personalities, and distinct appearances. Design your Sims’ body type using the new and powerful ‘Create A Sim Tool’ - choose from walk-styles, fashions, and hairstyles. Give their lives some purpose by hand-picking their individual aspirations and traits that give you complete control over their heart, mind, and body.

Construct the Perfect Home

The new room-based ‘Build Mode’ let’s you effortlessly design and build homes for your Sims. Build your dream home by customizing its layout, altering the landscape, and choosing its furnishings to the T. You could even add a basement or pool if you’d like!

Discover unique Worlds

Explore interesting venues, discover vibrant neighborhoods, and journey between worlds. Your Sims can expand their social circle by visiting new communities, hanging out with friends in parks, or by collecting and finding fun new objects.

Shape Lives

Take control of every entertaining and rich moment of your Sims’ lives, right from their relationships through to their careers. Every aspect of your Sims’ lives, from birth to adulthood is shaped by your decisions. Develop your Sims’ skills and pursue new hobbies.

Add New Experiences

Discover and add great community content to your game, or better still share your unique creations with the world with the all-new Sims Gallery. Like, comment, and download complete homes, fully designed rooms, and your favorite Sims.

Can’t get enough of The Sims 4? Why not try the fun and exciting The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs DLC or better still take a look at our wide range of Sims PC DLC’s and Games for the one that excites you the most!  

System Requirements


OS: Windows XP (SP3), Windows Vista (SP2), Windows 7 (SP1), Windows 8, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10

CPU: 1.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD Athlon 64 Dual-Core 4000+ or equivalent (For computers using built-in graphics chipsets, the game requires 2.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.0 GHz AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-62 or equivalent)

RAM: At least 2 GB RAM

HARD DRIVE: At least 3 GB of free space (14 GB if installing with The Sims 4) with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content and saved games

VIDEO: 128 MB of Video RAM and support for Pixel Shader 3.0. Supported Video Cards: NVIDIA GeForce 6600 or better, ATI Radeon X1300 or better, Intel GMA X4500 or better

DIRECTX: DirectX 9.0c compatible

SOUND CARD: DirectX 9.0c Compatible


OS: 64 Bit Windows 7, 8, 8.1, or 10

PROCESSOR: Intel core i5 or faster, AMD Athlon X4

VIDEO CARD: NVIDIA GTX 650 or better


HARD DRIVE: 15 GB of Hard Drive space

Info and Instructions

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  • Digitális kódjaink 100%-ban legálisak, és hivatalos beszállítóktól vásároljuk.
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  • További információért tekintse meg GYIK-ünket.
  • Ha bármilyen problémát tapasztal a vásárlás során, kérjük, értesítsen bennünket a Kapcsolatfelvételi űrlapunk segítségével.
  • Ezeket a letölthető kódokat a játék fejlesztője készítette, ezért eredetiek.
  • Ezeknek a kódoknak nincs lejárati dátumuk.
  • Letölthető tartalom vagy DLC-termékek – A kiegészítővel való játékhoz rendelkezned kell az eredeti játékkal.
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