PC Games
184856 184856 184856 FromSoftware ELDEN RING NIGHTREIGN for PC offers a standalone co-op experience where unique heroes battle against a shifting world. Join forces, adapt to ever-changing environments, and face formidable bosses in this thrilling new ELDEN RING adventure.$ 41,97
$ 34,95
ELDEN RING NIGHTREIGN for PC offers a standalone co-op experience where unique heroes battle against a shifting world. Join forces, adapt to ever-changing environments, and face formidable bosses in this thrilling new ELDEN RING adventure.

$ 41,97
$ 34,95

Disclaimer: Pre-order bonuses may or may not be included.
This is a pre-order. The key will be delivered on the game's release date: May 30, 2025.
Release Date: MAY 30, 2025
Platform: STEAM
Region: EU
ELDEN RING NIGHTREIGN for PC – A Dark New Chapter Awaits
Step into the shadows of the Lands Between with ELDEN RING NIGHTREIGN for PC, a standalone adventure that reimagines the legendary ELDEN RING experience. Join forces in 3-player co-op, master unique heroes, and face an ever-changing world where darkness reshapes the land with every session.
Unite Against the Darkness
✅ Rise Together – Team up with up to three players and fight against the encroaching night.
✅ Master Unique Heroes – Wield the power of distinct playable characters, each with their own skills and combat styles.
✅ Dynamic Environments – Adapt to a constantly shifting world as new dangers and enemies emerge in every playthrough.
✅ Epic Boss Battles – Face off against nightmarish foes and prove your strength in challenging encounters.
✅ Standalone Experience – A fresh take on the ELDEN RING formula, designed for new and returning players alike.
Survive the Night, Rewrite Fate
In ELDEN RING NIGHTREIGN, every decision shapes your journey. Navigate through evolving landscapes, strategize with allies, and conquer formidable bosses in a world where the darkness never rests. Will you rise as a legend, or be consumed by the night?
System Requirments
Minimum system requirements for ELDEN RING NIGHTREIGN PC
• To be confirmed
Get ELDEN RING NIGHTREIGN for PC at for the best price. Enjoy instant email delivery, multiple payment options, and 24/7 live chat support.

Hogyan vásárolhatok Pre-order: ELDEN RING NIGHTREIGN PC (STEAM) EU (30/05)?
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- Egyes termékekhez több kódot is kaphat.